My Most Recent DIY Project

Home decor is simply one of my favorite things. I love everyhting about it...except how quickly it can drain your checking account. Don’t get me wrong I love going to Hobby Lobby walking down every ilse wasting time that i do not have to waste looking at all ove the pretty wood sings, vases, floral fillers, and every little knick nack in that place. I would buy everything I wanted but lets be real, this girl needs a retirement savings fund. Anyways, you get it I love home decor.

I also love the challenge of seeing something at one of my favorite stores, and figuring out how I can DIY the project. I have so many frames, florals, and so manyother things laying around from past photography studios and apartments so I love to make things out of things I already have. I also love hitting up garage sales or thrift stores and finding things and making them my own treasures. I mean I obviously splurge sometimes on the things I love at Hobby Lobby or Kirklands, but sometimes its just fun to DIY and surprise yourself. I am so much of a creative brain and these DIY projects have been such a creative outlet for me!

Forgive me for these photos, of course I forgot to take them before I put them on my painted cardboard, but you guys get the idea ;)

Forgive me for these photos, of course I forgot to take them before I put them on my painted cardboard, but you guys get the idea ;)

This piece I snagged from my Aunts garage sale, and honestly liked it how it was. My house has more of the rustic farm look, and everything is more of a lighter color so I took some white and cream paint that I had and went to town. When I first started doing these projects, I would always be scared that I would “mess up”. Now I know you literally can’t mess up. I love the undone look of it. It matches perfectly with the other decor I paired it with! I think I paid $3 for the piece and the paint I had at home from a previous project… I call that a WIN!