Top 5 Tips For Brides

1. Talk to Your Vendors


- This is so important- as a vendor myself I know this first hand.

Be prepared and ask questions. Do not wait until the last minute 

To do this. Have a list prepared and do this right away before 

Booking so you know the details. Do not be shy, you are paying 

these people to provide services for your big day. 


-They should be there to help you. (if they are not- you may want 

to look into a different vendor. I tell all of my brides – I am there 

for anything - you can text or call me with any question you may

Have. I have been to a few weddings, so I can answer a lot of 

questions even if they are not photography related.


2. Think Through Your Getting Ready Area


- I understand that you may be limited. If at all possible try to 

  have somewhere with some natural light. Windows are great! 

  The beautiful natural light will do wonders for your photos.


- be aware of what is in the room. A lot of times brides and their

girls get ready in the cry room at the church. (this is totally fine)

But normally there are toys in that room. Simply moving all of 

toys to one part of the room makes a huge difference. 


-A lot of times the mom of the bride and the bridesmaids are not

ready/dressed for the getting ready photos-again this is fine, but 

your photos will look more put together if everyone is in their

formal dresses. So many times the mom of the bride will say

“oh no I’m not in my dress, please crop me out” or “my hair isn’t 

finished yet.” These are precious memories, have your loved ones 

Ready and looking their best so they can feel confident behind 

The camera! :)


3. Have A Timeline and Use It.


- Have an itinerary made up for the day. You can never be too 

detailed. Send this to all family, bridal party, and anyone else 

You think may need it. I personally tell people earlier times 

To make sure they are on time ;)

 - If you have hired me as your photographer – I will make the 

base timeline for photography times. This will make it very 

easy for you to make the rest of the timeline. 

 -Send your full timeline to vendors (you might think this is silly 

But you never know - the more people that know the details 

the better!  

 - Include phone numbers to a couple people that will have their 

phones on them. Possibly a personal attendant or best man. 


4. Designate a Family Member to be available. 


- This can be and will be sooo helpful. I have seen brides have an

aunt from each side just be around the day of. To get last min

things, or run from getting ready location to church. You never 

know what will happen the day of. This is so helpful to have 

Someone available if something comes up. Plus, this makes them feel 

like they are helping and involved in your special day. :) 

 - Someone who knows a lot of your family is great too. A random 

friend might not know who uncle joe is, lol. Also, someone who 

knows where your locations are located and how to get there. 

 -I’ve found that just having someone that you’re comfortable with 

around that day is great!

5. Relax And Enjoy The Day.

 - Remember that you cannot control everything and what 

others are doing. Breathe and know that everything will 

work out. Don’t sweat the small stuff. 

 - If something doesn’t go as planned - look at the big picture. 

You are marrying your best friend and get to spend the rest of 

Your life with them. Think about that, and I bet you forget the

Mishap pretty quick!  

 -Take time to take it all in. The day will seriously fly by. I always 

tell my couples to have a few times throughout the day to just 

Be with each other. Tell each other how you are felling, hug 

each other and just take in the moment.  Look at each other 

And take a mental picture (this sounds silly, but do it!) Tell 

yourself remember this - do not forget this. 

 - At the end of the day. It is about you and your spouse. The 

day is all about you and your love story. Relax, breathe, and 

Enjoy it!


